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Bertram Labs

Best Version Media

Advertising solutions company connecting local businesses to customers with innovative print and digital solutions


September 2018


Brookfield, WI



“Best Version Media is one of the fastest growing private companies in Wisconsin and among the fastest growing publishing companies in the United States. Through our partnership with Bertram, we will be well-positioned to accelerate our growth.1

Dave Durand

Co-founder, Best Version Media

Company Overview

BVM offers hyperlocal print and digital advertising solutions for tens of thousands of local businesses across the U.S. and Canada.

Company Overview

BVM offers hyperlocal print and digital advertising solutions for tens of thousands of local businesses across the U.S. and Canada.

BVMSports.com – dedicated to providing local, national and international sports coverage

Add-On Investment Completed


  • Advertising solutions for small businesses
  • Digital apps for sports teams, community organizations, schools
  • Local community publications with proven ROI for advertisers

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1 Set forth on this website are statements of certain officers of select portfolio companies in which the Bertram Funds have invested or currently invest. The portfolio company officers were not selected on the basis of performance criteria. This is not a complete list of all officers associated with the portfolio companies in which the Bertram Funds have invested or are invested. Other portfolio company officers may not have the same experience as those individuals identified on this website. This website is intended solely to provide information about Bertram’s potential capabilities for prospective portfolio companies, and is not an offer to sell to any person, or a solicitation from any person of an offer to buy, any securities. The statements presented on this website are not statements of any Bertram client fund or investor and do not describe any experience with or endorsement of Bertram as an investment adviser by any such client or investor.